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Catering Form

A few reminders to help you as you plan the catering services for your on campus event:

You are responsible for reserving a room for your event on campus. You can do so by visiting  and logging in with your exchange user name and password. Please note you are also responsible for reserving the room/location to include the set up and tear down times needed for catering services.

For served or buffet meals, a minimum of 2.5 hours of time is needed to allow our catering services adequate time to set up in addition to 2 hours of tear down to clean up and restore the room.

If the room you have reserved is not available for those additional times of set up and tear down, you will need to select and reserve a different location.

For beverage, snack or dessert requests, 30 minutes of set up and 30 minutes of tear down is required.

A PDF catalog of Provider's catering offerings can be located here: Provider's Catering Menu

Catering Form
Maximum 30 minutes prior to event start
Please provide the building and room
If you would like linen service, please supply the following information
Please list any additional information that you feel would be helpful for our catering services to know.